Good news! We automatically save every change you make to a project, so the latest version of your work will always be waiting in your Animatron account.
If you have signed up, and have a registered(Free) Animatron Account, you are able to save up to 20 public projects.
If you have a Starter Subscription Plan, you can save unlimited public projects and up to 5 private projects.
If you have a PRO Subscription Plan, you can save as many public and private projects as you want.
If you wish to save a copy of your project to your computer, select “Download As .ANM File” from the Main Menu, then download the file.
Hint: Download As .ANM File is the best way to keep several iterations of your project saved as you continue throughout the progress of your work. This is also useful before testing any uncertain animation methods that are likely to ruin any means of backtracking.
Note: It is recommended to Download As .ANM File when you see the following disconnectivity notification pop up in your browser.